A Successful Step on the Path to the Bolin Creek Greenway!

On Tuesday, October 17th, 2023, the Carrboro Town Council voted to move forward with the Bolin Creek Greenway selecting the path along the Creekside sewer easement as the preferred alignment. After over a decade of unnecessary delay, Carrboro will make progress toward a green infrastructure project that will play a crucial role in fighting the climate crisis on a local scale. The expanded greenway will create shared natural spaces that everyone can safely use to get around town and help cut off our car and fossil fuel dependency. 

Our engagement with town showed that those who opposed this measure were, as expected, a small but vocal minority. Our petition for building the greenway eclipsed all others and the survey put out by the town showed overwhelming support for the creekside easement. Support for creekside by leading environmental groups like the Sierra Club show that the faux-environmentalist concerns are not substantiated. The direction of municipal governments are often swayed by the small but vocal but today, democracy won. 

We are thankful for our partners in this fight including NEXT and Triangle Blog Blog as well as efforts made by our UNC chapter of the YDSA. They showed us that when progressive groups work together we can get amazing things done. We are proud of all our chapter members whose work in postering, writing, canvassing, and engaging community members delivered a crucial win for Carrboronians. We are thankful to the town council and staff for their efforts in ensuring that the many, and not the few, guided this public policy decision. And most of all, we are beyond excited to see y’all on the finished Bolin Creek Greenway.